04 March 2010

GBC Green Building Project Receives Funding

The George Brown College/Evergreen Brick Works Applied Research Green Innovation Lab Experience (ARGILE) has received $1M in funding from the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. Led by GBC faculty Christopher Timusk from the Centre for Construction and Engineering Technologies, this five year program of research will see students working with industry partners at the Evergreen Brick Works site. ARGILE will be a “Living Lab” dedicated to investigating Building Construction, Restoration, Energy Efficiency, Product Testing, and the Development of Innovative Environmental Building Solutions.

Cities are responsible for 75 per cent of all the energy we use and the greenhouse gases we emit, with buildings accounting for nearly 40 per cent of that. To achieve urban sustainability, new technologies must be developed to re-construct our cities. That is the goal of research being conducted by Dr. Christopher Timusk and a team of students at George Brown College. Using selected heritage buildings at the historic Don Valley Brick Works site in the heart of downtown Toronto, the team is developing cost-effective, sustainable, durable and healthy renovation and retrofit techniques aimed at making old buildings energy efficient. What they learn will help Ontario-based companies become world leaders in the construction of products and processes of the future – and Ontario cities leaders in urban sustainability.

Here's the MRI press release:
Ontario distributes $40 million under Research Excellence program: Following recent investments in research at the Universities of Guelph and Waterloo, the Ontario government announced Monday nearly $40 million under the Ontario Research Fund's Research Excellence program to be shared by researchers at Queen's, UWO, uOttawa, George Brown College, uToronto, and York U. The province is investing close to $69.5 million to support 21 projects and over 214 researchers across Ontario.

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